of bankruptcy estates
Liquidators that use Kuratech can complete the initial administrative tasks within 10 minutes with more efficient and effective way than every before.
What do our customers have to say?
Bankruptcy practitioners are eagerly awaiting Kuratech's solution, highlighting that the solution meets their need for data-driven decision-making, automation, and digitisation in their practices.
Liquidators see significant advantages in using Kuratech, especially when working with limited budgets. Kuratech enables them to speed up the liquidation process for empty bankrupt estates. Additionally, they are confident that Kuratech will help them discover more hidden assets and revocable transactions, increasing both their workload and fees per estate.
All data in one place
With connections with various databases, liquidators can access all data in one place.
By automating administrative tasks, liquidators can concentrate on value-adding activities like identifying hidden assets or transactions that can be revoked.
Fraud Detector
KuraTech equips liquidators with AI-driven tools for thorough estate investigation, including scrutinizing bank statements for potential fraudulent transactions and examining transactions with related parties.
Minimise time in administrative tasks.
Liquidators utilising Kuratech bypass manual formalities, instead allocating their time to gathering and liquidating all potential estate assets, from debt collection efforts to initiating court proceedings..
Hidden assets
With more time at disposal for liquidators combined with Kuratech's powerful tools to uncover hidden assets and revocable transactions, the gain is substantial for not only the liquidator, but also for creditors and the society as a whole.
The team